Monday, 18 September 2017

Interactive Reports: Button Positions

When we add any buttons to IR and select button position as "Right of Interactive Report Search Bar" we notice that the buttons gets displayed in right corner of the report. Looks something like below  image:

There is no pre-defined option within APEX to move these buttons to other positions. This can be achieved by using some custom CSS.

For example, If I want to align buttons right next to Action Menu in Interactive Report then I can use the below CSS:

.a-IRR-toolbar {
  display: flex;

.a-IRR-buttons {
  display: flex;
  flex-grow: 1;
  justify-content: flex-start;

Use the above code in the CSS inline section of the page. Result would be something like the image below:

Here is the link to the DEMO application:
UserName/Password: demo/demo

You can play with different values of justify-content property to make the buttons display in different positions. It can take below mentioned values:
justify-content: flex-start|flex-end|center|space-between|space-around|initial|inherit;

Below are the details for each property values.
flex-start > Default value. Items are positioned at the beginning of the container
flex-end > Items are positioned at the end of the container
center > Items are positioned at the center of the container
space-between > Items are positioned with space between the lines
space-around > Items are positioned with space before, between, and after the lines
initial > Sets this property to its default value.
inherit > Inherits this property from its parent element.

Hope this helps.


Friday, 31 March 2017

Universal Theme sidebar menu tooltip

If your sidebar text is too long, APEX truncates it to some fixed width. Here comes the use of Tool Tip option for the side bar. Also if you make the sidebar navigation menu collapsed by default and when only the icons are displayed, This Tool Tip will be helpful to understand the menu better.

Here are the simple steps to achieve this tool-tip functionality.

1) Create an Global Page (Page 0) if its not already present.
2) In Page 0, Create a Dynamic Action on Page Load.
3) Select Action as "Execute JavaScript Code" and paste the below code in its source.

//Tooltip for Menu Text
$("#t_TreeNav").treeView("option", "tooltip", {
    content: function(cb, node) {
        return node.label;
} );
 //This tells the tooltip to show up for the whole node content including the icon.
$("#t_TreeNav").tooltip("option", "items", ".a-TreeView-content");

In the above piece of code "t_TreeNav" is the ID of the sidebar navigation tree which is set by default in Universal Theme.

Once the Dynamic Action is created, Run the application and hover the mouse through Sidebar menu to see the Tool Tip in action.

Below is the sample application which demonstrates the use of tool-tip.


Interactive Grid - Remove Default First Row Selected

APEX 5.1 has an very powerful reporting feature called Interactive Grid (IG).
When you create an Interactive Grid with RowSelector, you might have noticed that by default the the first row gets selected. This is how the Interactive Grids are designed.

But there might be an requirement where none of the check-box must be selected on landing to the screen. Hence we need to remove the first row default selection in Interactive Grid.

This can be achieved from below simple code:

Use the below code when the page loads. You can either create an Dynamic Action or add this code in "Execute when Page Loads" section of the page Javascript

var ig$ = apex.region("emp").widget();
ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews", ig$.interactiveGrid("getCurrentViewId")).setSelection($());

Change "emp" to whatever your Interactive Grid static id is.

This should remove your default first row selection from your IG. Hope this helps.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Refer Packaged Application Icons in APEX 5.0

Here is an easiest way to use some of the packaged application icons for your applications.
This can be done by including the packaged applications CSS file in your application, and reference the appropriate CSS class for the icon you need.

1) Navigate to Edit Application Definition -> User Interface, and edit the interface for your application.

2) Under Cascading Style Sheets add the this CSS file: #IMAGE_PREFIX#pkgapp_ui/css/5.0#MIN#.css
In your application create a div with a height and width, and include one of the icon classes to display the icon.

<div style="height: 100px; width: 100px;" class="app-application-standards-tracker"></div>

Here are the available packaged application icons:

Universal Theme - Side Navigation Menu Child Entry Icon Alignment

Hi, There is an issue with the Side Navigation Menu Child Entry Icon Alignment in Universal theme if you are using APEX 5.1 or prior vers...